Bar Pritličje
location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
project date: 2014
completion date: 2014
area: 130 m2
type: bar
client: private
photos: Leonardo Vimos Sierra
project team: Mojca Kocbek Vimos,
Nena Gabrovec
Bar Pritličje is located at Mestni trg in Ljubljana, next to the Town Hall. The wish of the owners was to create an urban spot that would offer morning coffee, small lunches in the afternoon, cultural events in the late afternoon or early evening and dj events almost every night. The organisation of the space is perfect - the bar on the front side parallel to the main square and at the back a room under the arch where it is possible to hold the afternoon cultural program or a noisy night time event.
The first challenge of designing the interior was an extremely low budget and the second that it needed to be done in a very short time... Our goal was to create a place with its own identity with very low financial input, which should not be only a space in which different retro pieces are brought together, but would also contain an additional, unique creative touch. The design of the interior therefore merged both: pieces that were done on the site DIY, and pieces that were processed old furniture elements.
Arhitekturna zasnova lokala Pritličje je sledila naročnikovi želji, da bi z zelo nizkim finančnim vložkom prenovili in ustvarili prostor s posebno identiteto, ki naj ne bi bil le prostor skupaj prinešenih 'retro kosov', ampak bi vseboval še dodatno, unikatno kreativno noto. Zasnova interierja je omogočila tako kose za izvedbo 'naredi sam' na licu mesta, kot tudi predelavo starih kosov pohištva. Programsko lokal Pritličje združuje: osrednji barski prostor, dvorano za kulturne in večerne dogodke in strip trgovino.